van Drooge
Working as a Tai Chi & Chi Kung instructor since 2001.
Tai Chi has become natural to me. It is part of my life!
I hope to encourage you to practise Tai Chi.

I am Judith van Drooge and I live in the Netherlands. Since I was 25 years old I have been practising Tai Chi with great pleasure and devotion. I am an officially authorised teacher of Martial Arts Tai Chi Chuan (NOC/NSF), a qualified teacher and a student of Grandmaster William Chi Cheng Chen, Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. Other masters I learned a lot from are Luis Molera and Rosa Chen (Chen Shui Yao). I earned my credits for Chi Kung, 2nd Duan holder, through the Chines Health Chi Kung association in Beijing.
To me since my acquaintanceship with Tai Chi many doors have opened. Before I practised meditation, healing and rituals in which handling your own energy is central. Tai Chi has introduced meditation in this present moment into my physical movements.
From 2001 I have taught Tai Chi and Chi Kung. My own training practices got an additional value. During the teaching process I started to watch myself more closely. What actually happens and how does this take place? In 2002 I discovered Pushing Hands. Gradually I got a deeper understanding and developed applications of the Tai Chi Chuan-movements. I wanted to extend my knowledge and the use of weapons with their dynamic movements attracted my attention. Now I’m an all-round Tai Chi practitioner. Because of my rich experiences I have the insight to make connections between different styles and forms within Tai Chi. This helps you to better understand the exercises.
I started to take part in contests, since 2002, with positive results. More than 60 titles are on my name, including European and World champion. Last was in October 2018, where I won at the Tai Chi World Championships in Taiwan: gold with Pushing Hands, 2nd Hand Form, 3rd Saber & Sword, 5th Fan.

I do all kinds of workshops and presentations to inform people all over the world about Tai Chi Chuan. I’m a regularly teacher to major national and international Tai Chi festivals. Like Rencontres Jasniéres, Tai Chi Caledonia, North Sea Tai Chi and many others.
You are welcome to invite me at your place to teach and guide you and your group:
• Tai Chi Chuan
• Pushing Hands
• 18 movements/ Shibashi (1st and 2nd set)
• Ba Duan Jin (two different sets)
• Yi Jin Jing
• Free movement
• Tai Chi and Chi Kung with Stick
• Tai Chi Sabre
• Tai Chi Fan
• Tai Chi Sword
• Meditation
• (Life) Coach & Adviser
Please contact me through e-mail, mail to: judithtaichi@aol.com.
Footnote: Because of my traveling it sometimes takes time before answering your request but be patient please. I will be looking forward to get back to you. Thank you for your trust.
go to an interview with Judith van Drooge.
go to a podcast with Judith van Drooge.
go to a blog by Judith van Drooge.